Combat level ?
Total level ?
Ironman or Regular Acc?
How did u find us ?
-I copied Rijotto's swag
What attracted u to our clan ?
-rijottos swag
Favorite boss(es) ?
-wildy bosses
Favorite skill(s) ?
-Slayer, fishing, wc
Where you in any clan before ? ( if yes , which one and reason for leaving? )
-Yeah but they sucked and it was boring
Do u have any friends that u will bring to our clan ?
-I can try
Do u have any other accounts? ( pure , skiller , iron )
-none worth mentioning, only play iron now
Do u have all gear reqs? ( if not which ones are u missing )
-Need fighters torso, but i have pretty high lvl gear
27-May-2018 20:26:56