1. Runescape Name: FancyPantsy
2. Combat Level: 104
3. Total Level: 2102
4. Favourite Skill: Archaeology (Not even kidding)
5. Favourite Minigame: I have very positive memories of Fist of Guthix, played it for hours when i was a wee little lad.
6 Favourite Boss to kill?: I think I have a total of 6 Giant Mole kills, soo i guess Giant Mole
7. Why do you want to join our Clan?: Looking for some fun people to chat with, maybe learn bossing one day.
8. Are you willing to be active and interactive within the clan?: Yes! The whole reason I would like a clan.
9. What do you look for in a Clan?: Friendly people, bit of chatting, bit of banter. Overall good times.
10. Any short or long term goals?: Shortterm, Priff (only Plague's End left woohoo) And I want an untrimmed Archaeology skillcape, just cuz i can.
04-Mar-2023 12:04:56