1. I am interested in joining Ethereal Souls because, upon reading your forum post, it seems to be a match for the type of clan I am looking for and with clanmates I want to socialize with.
2. I will stay on World 35 as much as possible, unless hopping for D&D or when skills might require it.
3. I agree to follow the rules and I am 92 combat (currently grinding 70+ in all cb skills)
4. I was not directed here by any clan member, just the forum post.
5. I am a Runescape member.
6. My favorite thing on Runescape is group bossing and farming.
Ideally, I am looking for a helpful clan (as I am a returning player from 2008) who has clanmates into both bossing and skilling. Though, I dont really enjoy playing with sweats or elitists as I just play for fun. I play a few hours during the week, but most of the time on weekends, mainly Sunday. My main attraction to a clan is that their clanmates have a similar mindset to my own. If Ethereal Souls does, I would be happy to join!
24-Jun-2019 01:11:21