====Why you are interested in joining?
I want to be a part of a clan that is fun with social/PvM-friendly aspects. I took a break since IRL stuff became too time-consuming, but I'd like to get back into it now that I have more time. Just trying to get that sweet, sweet max cape.
====Will you try to stay on world 117? I will stay on World 117, unless the ping is really unplayable, which hasn't happened yet for that world.
====That you agree to follow the rules & meet requirements to join? I agree to follow the rules.
====Were you directed here by a current Ethereal Soul member? if so, who? I was NOT directed by a current Ethereal Soul member. Found this post on my own search.
====Favorite thing(s) to do on Runescape?
Leveling my skills and pursuing 99s. Bossing when I can, learning bosses, and teaching bosses.
18-Feb-2019 22:15:24