Why you are interested in joining?
I'm interested in joining because im looking for more adventures in runescape, and increase my stats/knowledge with the game. Looking for new friends in game as well!
Will you try to stay on world 117?
I will do more than try! I will!
That you agree to follow the rules?
I agree with all rules
Were you directed here by a current Ethereal Soul member? if so, who?
Favorite thing(s) to do on Runescape?
I love questing! I also love making money and getting cool items from the GE
Thanks for submitting an application. Runescape is a huge game with loads of content and we're happy to help you through it!
Your application looks good, you have been
We look forward to meeting you.
Feel free to PM me or an admin+ and we will get you an invite.
====Why you are interested in joining?
I'm a returning player, interested in learning and running some of the new activities/skills available in this game with other adventurers
====Will you try to stay on world 117?
====That you agree to follow the rules?
yes, I agree with all of them
====Were you directed here by a current Ethereal Soul member? if so, who?
====Favorite thing(s) to do on Runescape?
Questing, mining and smithing xD