/SSRB Event - Thursday\
<Event> Recruiting Event
<Time> 7:00 Central
<Place> All around RS
<World> 79
<Person in charge> Leaders/Council
<Required attendance> If on, YES!
<Minimum # of people needed to start event> 3
<Extra Notes>
Go to the Clan Chat tab at the bottom of the screen, and on the bottom-right of the tab there will be a small green circle that annotates "visited Clan Chat." Click this and type in 'Ssrb Clan' and there will be some clanmates in there that can assist you
Daily bump from KOH
Want to host an allied event? just want to get in contact with KoH, feel free to post on our forum or just bump, or also feel free to message me ingame
Ascend To Me
Ambassador of KoH
rank 501 clues btw lul