Combat level & skill total: 87 & 1279
Are you P2P? Of course
How many hours do you play per week?: 10-20
Time zone:
What day & time will you most often be available for clan events? weekends during daytime or weekdays at night (pst)
What makes you want to join The Bar Puzzles? description sounds like exactly the kind of clan I want to join
Do you know anyone currently in the clan, if so who? nah
Would you use Discord?: yeah sure
Favorite boss? havent fought enough bosses to say
Favorite skill? fishing
Favorite thing to do in RS? clan wars/castle wars. any pvp where i dont lose my stuff. lol
What are your current goals? was hacked, trying to regain money and gear to resume questing/skilling/pvp
What are your long term goals? to be part of a dope clan, have fun, and get rich
26-Apr-2017 03:30:57