Here're some wars I'll never forget
November 2011,
The RuneScape Warhunger Federation
The Rising
for their final fight.
TRWF massed up 110 players in gold trimmed armour. My clan was defending with 80 players, but despite being outnumbered we held our ground and ended with a positive KDR.
Video from TRWF:
May 2012,
The Rising
's final war against the mighty
RuneScape Dinasty
, the undisputed #1 at the time.
We massed up 90 members for the final goodbye fight, ventured into the Wilderness fully armed in shiny trimmed rune. For 90 minites we competed with one of the greatest and most respected warring clan that has ever excisted on RuneScape. After 90 minites we ended on top, but more importantly we had a great war.
Video from TR:
15 July 2012,
Final Dawn
had a war against
Supreme 0wnage
We were heavily outnumbered, but our levels, experience and organization gave us the upper hand. It wasn't a brilliant fight at all, but because of that there was a lot of space for joking around with my fellow Dutchies
Video from FD:
28 September 2014,
Clan Europe
had to face
Titans Revolution
in the 20vs20 EoC Jagex Cup.
As TR had defeated us in the 2013 finals and had declined our challenges the entire year, we were very happy we could finally take revanche. Although a big part of our members didn't really like EoC, we wanted the win. After a good speech the war started with one of our members getting K0ed in the first second. We won the war but that K0 at the start was just so funny.
Video from CE: (K0 at 6 seconds)
Clan Europe Staff
Clan Cup Winners
Maxed Pure F2P