I am in game now. Unfortunately that is not something I can do for long as it interferes with my tasks. I would much prefer you post the RSN here or email it to [email protected] but everything you have said really does suggest this is a shared account of some variant and if she is being refused recovery that is not a position that will change.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Can you log into RuneScape? I rather tell it to you via pm than post it her risking her security and privacy.
Hey Pescao,
From what I am aware with my conversations with CS in the past on some threads they are overhauling the entire ticketing system to make getting in touch with CS quicker.
As for account recoveries in which the automated system fails the link you can generally use that works well is the
forgotten JAG answers one
, because that too asks a lot of account details and rather then going to a bot it goes to Jagex and replies game not via Email but via the message centre!
As for everything else that was said on this thread, I can't comment because I am sure Mod Matthe will get the issue sorted!
A Jagex Verfied Community Helper
Locking this now - It is not a CLF issue. I would not encourage people to post these kinds of issues here as 1) I am not best qualified to resolve them and 2) If I keep spending time chasing this kind of query I won't have a job left
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey