Just wondering how to disable or delete a clan login message once it has been set? I can't seem to find a toggle for it. Thanks folks!
Clan Master of the
Two Rivers Clan
& World Guardian. Gielinor is doomed.
I don't think you can disable it entirely once one is set, currently. You can change it if the message itself is the issue. Otherwise, maybe a disable/enable toggle will be added alongside the new options to check the current message on Monday.
Owner of
Alright, so I'm not just missing something hiding in plain sight then. Thanks!
Clan Master of the
Two Rivers Clan
& World Guardian. Gielinor is doomed.
Glad we are not being silly not finding a way to delete the Clan log in message. I just wish we had been warned that once created we could never get rid of the Log in line ( even if we leave the message as blank) . I for 1 would never have used and created Clan spam forever more