While none of my clanmates are dead (to my knowledge) I do completely support this idea, having a customizable plaque for memorials and whatnot would be a great idea.
"Do not confuse darkness and light with evil and good. Real life does not deal in absolutes, not extremes. All life falls on a spectrum, and all life has capacity for both good and evil."
-Zaros, Fate of the Gods, 2014
I asked for the same thing many years ago, and was told spaghetti code, would be brilliant if done, we lost a clannie who spent his last few weeks in the citadel. We just got the dragon in time, his name is the clan dragon's name. Fully support.
I have a lot of friends on my friends list, including The Old Nite, that have past away.
I refuse to remove them from my FL.
Nice to have the statue of him in wildy. Would be nice to have more memorials.
AS I've suggested before, a Clan Achievement Hall would be great. Owners could assign which ranks could add/remove an archived event from it. It would display similarly to the notice boards near the Quest caravan south of Varrock or something.
Input / Output GUI:
[Select options similar to that of event noticeboard - ANY time is available however]
Name of Clan member to memorialize:
[Dropdown Select of All Clan members]
[400 max character length description]
On this day of [date], [Clan member] [description].
- Perhaps even use maybe like 4 Subcategories, and make Owners/Permissioned players select 1 of 3 first before filling out the description. That way, they can be displayed separately by category in 3 different physical locations simultaneously.
Achievement | Commendation | Event | Memorandum
I see these for some reason, in the shape of the Trophy Cases of Runes from Player Owned Houses, at the Citadel. You visit 1 of the 4, in each corner of the room. They may even fit right into the upper floors of the halls of the Chamber room of the Citadel as "Banners" which could be observed from below, much like observing banners from the Max Guild, but it would bring up the more detailed window that's similar to the Quest caravan display.