Get Jagex to put time and resources into giving updates to clans.
Mod MattHe said in more or less words that something like this being supported on Runelabs was the only way any actual time and development would be put into clans other than behind a pay to win/ Soloman's General Store (SGS) wall.
Clans need better treatment from Jagex, the only updates in 2015 have been
1. The swapping of the one week probationary period in which new clanmates could not cap to people being barred from joining a clan for a week.
2. An SGS item that doubles your speed in terms of capping.
The sense of community that clans play is a large factor in many people's continuation of playing. The term "I've met a lot of cool people." is often cited as the reason why people do not regret playing, people tend to forget that clans are a major part of that.
If clans are such a vital part of people not regretting playing the game, then why are they being starved of updates to the point of frustration on the part of clan leaderships?
At the minimum Jagex needs to give clans one update a month in the year 2016 including:
1. A rework of clan jobs so that particular ranks do not need to be given for certain powers such as avatar warden.
2. A clan temporary mute system.
3. A better way to track who has "capped/maxed" at the citadel.
4. A more useful/user friendly clan noticeboard.
5. The ability to have a clan message to be displayed when members log in.
I understand that there are limitations to the data storage for number 3, however a system that did a 24 hour record of capping would be sufficient.
Number 5 is honestly so easy to implement I am surprised that it hasn't been done yet, obviously it could be abused in terms of swear words, but that can be solved with the chat filter completely filtering out any message with a swear word.
23-Nov-2015 22:40:20