Mod Matthe
That suggestion will be rejected on the grounds it fails to meet the criteria for Runelabs I would suggest re-reading the guidelines but what you have specified is not an update but a constant series of updates and therefore will not fall within the scope requirements.
The guidelines can be found <a href=""> here</a>
Okay, so following the Runelabs criteria extremely strictly, this suggestion is not suitable to be supported. But, what other ways are there these days to let Jagex know that a fair share of the community would definitely like clan updates/reworks to be higher in the priority list? If the idea hadn't been rejected on Runelabs, I would be the first one to support it. It has all but one key element in it that I would like to see. (Avatar bug-fix please too
There's another difficulty there, a large part of the 'normal' clan mates doesn't even know the many limitations clan leaders have. I think I have to explain at least 3 times a week to someone that general rank cannot summon avatars. Ever.
So what else is there to tell Jagex about the problems?
- Many threads/posts on CLF. Check.
- Many threads/post on regular forums. Check.
- Personal contact with Jmods on the subject. Check.
- Reddit. Check.
- Twitter. Check.
- Ideas on Runelabs. Check, rejected.
The only thing left is a Power to the Players Poll in-game, but that one hasn't been used since July. And, like stated before, I'm afraid the normal clan members of a clan have little to no awareness of the restrictions and limitations of the clan leaders.
Maybe it's an idea to do a poll or a questionnaire in-game, but then specifically for those who lead a clan. Try to find out how many of those would like to see more resources assigned to the development of a better clan coding, and if so, what part(s) of it.
Runelabs has core criteria you have to meet - the ideas suggested as a single suggestion failed to meet that. I see no reason why a Runelabs suggestion for Clans that met the criteria would be rejected.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey