I was browsing
thread, and someone mentioned something about Orts being removed with the next avatar update.
This has probably been brought up before, but a quick search of 'ort' in the CLF didn't bring up any recent results - does anyone know what system is going to replace orts, and whether our existing stocks will be transferred over, or just deleted?
Cant find anything on third party sites either, which I'd expect if this was announced at runefest to a group and not a small exchange. Either way, if they transfer it so that its "kept" automatically and not as an item (which I'd love) I wouldn't mind if my pile is destroyed since I can easily obtain 300\week in that manner and would be less then concerned. If its a replacement for ort as an item...why? If its a complete removal of the orts concept...dont think I'd agree unless citadel work was required (Which would require some though there I imagine).
Edit: the quote for those curious is
"When history witnesses a great change, Razgriz reveals itself... first, as a dark demon. As a demon, it uses its power to rain death upon the land, and then it dies. However, after a period of slumber, Razgriz returns, this time, as a great hero"
22-Oct-2015 03:29:38
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22-Oct-2015 03:31:44
No one has mentioned a plan to remove Orts to me - does not mean it won't happen but I would have expected to have heard about it. I'll ask around
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
i support his toggle for getting orts auto in inv
Then the point of that avatar ability is...?
Also a player said it, not a JMod. I don't even believe there's a clan update for avatars coming anytime soon, what with how technically complicated and impossible to navigate the citadel code is.
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of
Rebel Rising
Maxed on the 9th July 2017!
22-Oct-2015 14:53:00
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22-Oct-2015 14:54:04
I think Kelpie mentioned something along these lines in a previous Dev Q&A a few weeks back. Bear in mind though that the odds of it actually happening are slim to none.