1) How did you first find out about clans and how did you become involved with your current clan?
I first became interested in Clans while working with the Private Union of Runescape Game Experts (P.U.R.G.E. - I know some here in CLF have a personal grudge against us, but I'm telling you I'm with them for the sake of transparency). The clan I'm in has an alliance with P.U.R.G.E., so I joined them to help accelerate the process of recruiting and management for them.
2) Do you doubt on your abilities from time to time?
Sometimes yes. Thankfully there's always someone to double-check things
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
My clan recently came under attack from someone who was trying to pay high ranking clan members to wipe our clan. A few of them agreed to do it
. I wouldn't say I was ever angry, but I was very stern and firm in how the situation was handled, so I would say the answer to this is a yes.
4) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
About my clan, no - but I did have dreams about P.U.R.G.E. before and shortly after joining
5) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
Possibly, but it would depend a lot on other factors.
6) Do you talk with members using other sites/programmes (aka skype, facebook, etc.)
Smile Squad has a Discord server that I built for them. We use this when we need to leave messages with people who aren't online.
7) What are your clans requirements for new members?
Be polite and respectful - listen to admin+ people.