Well, I'm annoyed. It's the closest I get to angry usually
. In page two of the Unfair Goldfarming Banns thread some of you may have read about my false bann for 2½ yrs for rwt, and the recent bannings have really reminded me of it. It's not that I'm annoyed because of how I want in-game compensation for it- that was years ago and those anger stages of grief have long passed.
I really itched at this next point by including my irl friend who rwt'd and the message I got at unbannment in my post in that thread— I'm annoyed because I feel I'm still seen as a criminal who did rwt in the eyes of Jagex. It's something that has itched at me for so long. If any mod reviews my account they will see "Real World Item Trading" So no matter how much I hate it or am against it, no matter how many hours I'd spent screwing with bot programming, no matter how many reports on public advert bots I've sent, and awareness of the issue I've tried to spread, I am a person whose record shows he is an rwt'er with a disregard for the integrity of Runescape
If I was offered one thousand squeal of fortune spins similar to the recent compensation for being banned, I would decline. I don't want that. Just that one offense fully removed from my list of disintegrities. My account's history is written falsely... It's wrong. When I log in I'm logging in with a vulgar tattoo between my toes, tucked in my armpits, or jammed inbetween the cheecks of my bare bottom that says RWT. There but not seen. And it can't be removed.
Yes- I recently left the tier 7 clan for some personal/minor issues.
It's been maxed tier 7 for 4 months now.
I am a deputy in a brand new clan...........
~ Shooo Fly ~
PS: We were the 6th clan to get Tier 7 at the time.
You are a stud
29-Sep-2012 06:12:40
- Last edited on
29-Sep-2012 06:14:11
Shooo Fly