) How did you first find out about clans and how did you become involved with your current clan?
been in clan since clans started in 2009
2) Do you doubt on your abilities from time to time?
-yes, not going to lie
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
-yes i can
4) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
5) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
6) Do you talk with members using other sites/programmes (aka skype, facebook, etc.)
-yes, skype, twitter, and offsite forums
7) What are your clans requirements for new members?
8) How does your clan handle ranking?
-revamping it atm, but going to start going off a point system for evolvment
9) What kind of events does your clan like to do?
-distraction and diversions, mingames, some bossing
10) Does your clan have a clan citadel? (If so, what tier?)
-yes , t7
Owner of Fish Flingers Clan and 2flingfish Fc
Welcome aboard, Magicgolem! Come in, sit down, and enjoy yourself. Agreements, disagreements, planning, voting, brainstorming...all available!
Shadesidhe - Deputy Owner of