Mod Infinity
Christmas is often a busy time for our Clans with lots of friends and this year will be now exception – from Wandoodle’s Divine Scapers experience competition, to FTC and the Halls of Light’s joint calendar of Clan based events. Shattered Moon and
Fort Hope
are even running their own secret Santas while long standing Clan Leader Glue Pot (who looks a lot like a certain Mr Claus we are told) will be hosting his famous Christmas giveaways on World 80 –keep an eye on the forums for the times for these great social events!
WOW! Fort Hope is in the Chronicle
Thanks Matthe and Infinity!
Mod Infinity
while long standing Clan Leader Glue Pot (who looks a lot like a certain Mr Claus we are told) will be hosting his famous Christmas giveaways on World 80 –keep an eye on the forums for the times for these great social events!
Oh, fuck XD I wasn't expecting to get that much publicity, I guess I had better make an event on the forums. I'm really looking forward to this now.
Couple of strange points though: "famous" Well I suppose it is now.
"Glue Pot" It's all one word, could this be changed in case people can't add me if they're trying to?
"long standing Clan Leader" I've been in the CLF a long time, and I like to be heavily involved in clan stuff. Though I'm actually an ex-clan leader and haven't actually been a led in about 2 years. :/