Anyone else notice that the minions on either side of the battle field sometimes absolutely refuse to die? I had a stand off with one for 2 full minutes. I think he did more damage to me total than I did to him...
I ended up using Incendiary Shot on him for an instakill to end the fight...
Anybody know of a Jmod forum thread with a video explaining the new interface system that I can link to using the quickfind codes on the clan forums?
I'm updating my thread on my clans private forums that explains EOC, to include the NIS as well. I've got links to videos for EOC but I can't find any for NIS =[
EDIT: Nevermind, I found some stuff on the RS wiki I can use.
26-Jul-2013 18:44:07
- Last edited on
26-Jul-2013 19:01:01
The RuneScape Community Network on Google + has some NIS set up videos. I'm learning lots from being part of that group.
I've muted my noob account ... used quick chat to see my slayer task. Now enter to chat doesn't work, escape doesn't work to leave quick chat ... she just can't talk. Maybe the log out will fix her, but I thought I'd let y'all know what might happen.