Just been reading through General, apparently a famous Youtuber called 'RuneShark' is quitting RS apparently, interesting. :o
Ohh yeah, they was a really good youtuber I enjoyed their RuneScape videos because it left you with your own opinion about things but gave you a opinion about stuff. So I know I will miss them but I do wish them the best and full success with their future
For those of you who do not know me, my name Holy Invoker and throughout the years I have been known for many things. Whether I'm an F2P pure, a clan wars legend, the founder of Titans Revolution, or just a lone man standing up for the little guy, the reason I'm here today is to share my insights into several game changing dynamics and their potential impact on the clanning community with my fellow clan leaders so we can share our ideas and resolve any faulty mechanics before they can cause further damage.
But enough about that, I'll be posting a more detailed topic to address specific issues over the next week so in the meantime, how's everyone doing?
Cool there have been a few threads about P2P warring fixes but I have yet to see any about F2P so it should be interesting.
I used to spend a lot of time in f2p clan wars long ago but I haven't been since EOC.