Clan Leader Questions
1) Do you see yourself as the most important person of the clan?
Not at all, people tell me I am, but the clan just wouldn't be a clan without all of it's members there to keep it fun.
2) Have you ever kicked a person from your clan that you considered as a personal friend?
Yes, not too long ago a friend was caught botting and claimed it was a first time only thing, so we let it slide, shortly after, he was caught botting again, and was kicked.
(We generally kick people who deny completely that they were botting when it was seen [we have more then 2 members witness it], and give a second chance to people who openly admit to it and promise to stop.)
3) Are you able to control your anger when a member does something very wrong?
Yes, I tend to never get angry over a game, even if it's from a specific person.
4) Do you rank up people fast?
I give ranks when ranks are due through our clan's ranking system.
5) Do you talk with members using other sites/ programmes? (aka skype, facebook etc.)
No, easy way to have a breech of security.
6) Have you ever considered quitting your clan?
7) Do you discuss clan problems with the whole clan and not only with the high ranked members?
Depends on the specific type of problem, if it concerns the whole clan, I'll discuss it with everyone.
8) Have you ever had a dream about your clan?
A few vague ones, but I don't completely remember it.
9) Do you think your clan is the best clan in RuneScape?
No, but we hope to be eventually.
10) Does your clan stop you from playing other games?
I find most other games are boring, I guess RuneScape is unique like that.
11) Would you ever join a clan again as a recruit?
If my current clan dies completely (Which I won't let happen), I'm considered an honorary member in another clan, which they'll let me join.
12) Do you doubt on your abilities as clan leader from time to time?
All the time, mostly because I can't do everything (lol)
Part 1
02-Mar-2013 20:34:08