i didnt get tier 6........
we got it back in may. i forget who did, but scroll back a page or 2
~ YtHaar-Mej
Pink Patrons of Pain - Overseer
"Make it a great day or not, the choice is YOURS!!!"
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
~ YtHaar-Mej
Pink Patrons of Pain - Overseer
"Make it a great day or not, the choice is YOURS!!!"
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
turn that C to an F and that's the temp here atm.
~ YtHaar-Mej
Pink Patrons of Pain - Overseer
"Make it a great day or not, the choice is YOURS!!!"
Can I turn in a paper without citing all sources?
1. William Shakespeare,
, Act III, Scene 1, line 96.
I've been seeing the troll word being passed around too much in CLF threads recently. What is considered trolling/flaming on the RS forums is described in the
Forums Code of Conduct when Jagex writes,
"Do not post with the sole intent of upsetting other players. If you want to leave criticism, consider your post and word it constructively.
Offences in this category include:
Creating threads or posts with the intent of causing unrest on the forums.
Posting to offend, insult, taunt or aggravate other forum users.
Continuous posting to defame or discredit Jagex or its products."
I would like to clarify I have seen nonconstructive criticism in threads. But I have also seen a lot of people calling out people as trolls- which is flaming. Also,
"While we recognise that discussions on the internet may sometimes become a little heated, we do not allow any type of harassment or defamatory posting. Keep all posting reasonable and do not target a specific player or player group with baseless or unconstructive criticism. Keep topics on the subject matter and do not get drawn into flame wars and personal attacks.
Offences in this category include:
Posting to harass another player.
Posting to defame another player.
Posting with the sole intent of “breaking” another player.
Posting to encourage other players to quit playing RuneScape.
Naming another player in a negative light.
Stating who can and cannot post in a thread."
I have seen harassment too. Leaders are targeting other individuals in these forums and justifying it by saying "they are trolls." Will not mention any specifics but... if there is an issue, the way to take care of it here, according to the forum specific rules, is to highlight the post/thread. Just because there is less Jagex activity in these forums does not mean people can minimod. And in no way do we have any place to say that another has no right to be apart of the clf.