(continued from above)
The following clan avatar buffs have been removed
- Heal Over Time
- Familiar Faces
- Auto Ort
- Random Resurrection
- Protector
Clan Changes
- The Woodcutting, Mining and Firemaking Skill Plots will now grant more clan resources when skilling on them.
- A clan broadcast message has been added (which can be toggled) which'll tell you when your clan has hit your target goals for your resources, as well as telling you when all clan resource goals have been met
- Using a Clan Vex or Clan Cloak on a Clan member will now give you the option to give it to them
- The Clan Settings interface has been moved into an overlay, now allowing you to skill/combat while changing Clan Settings
The following Clan Citadel skillplots have had their XP increased by 20% from level 80 up to level 99:
- Crafting
- Mining
- Smithing
- Firemaking
- Woodcutting
- The active obelisk at the summoning skillplot will now switch every 30 seconds (previously 17 seconds)
- You can now train at Citadel skillplots with skilling urns in the corresponding skill.
- The chance to break a root while training at the Citadel woodcutting skillplot has been reduced
- Clan Chat now shows total number of players in the chat
- Clan Chat now shows the total number of members in your clan on hoverover of your clan name
- Clan Guest chat now shows total number of players in the chat
- Ban List now shows number of players banned
- When you recruit a clan member the name of the recruiter is added to the join message allowing clans to track who's recruited who
- A pop up box appears when you're invited to the clan initially (you still need to click the message in the Chat box to accept the invite)
- You can now mute/unmute clan members from Clan Chat via ClanSettings (this is broadcasted to Admin+ ranks when you do so)
- You will now be given a message if you try to add someone to the Clan Ban List and it is full.
18-Apr-2018 22:04:35