Every now'n'then we can see on twitter, for instance, that Jagex is handing out prizes for w/e.
An idea for one of those occasions, when its some clan related contest in the future, Is that one of Jagex's artists designs a poster / wallpaper or w/e its called, specifically for the winning clan(s). Like in our case, it would be Wolf themed... Which clans can use as a beckground on their offsites.
Anyway, not really a discussion this time, just an idea i'dd like to share for Jmods to see / think about.
Proud Co-Owner of the
I doubt they will start handing out custom concept art as prizes. The prizes i've seen you mention are concept are that live in game.
This - the artwork isn't bespoke.
That's not to say we can't give prizes for clan competitions though! Come up with a cool idea, and we can provide prizes if it's something the whole clan community can get behind