About this time of year the jmod in charge of the clf would always start a thread asking us what updates we would like to see in the coming year. As we have generally been without representation for a long time most years I have created the thread myself. Not that anyone will ever read it but hey... why not!?
So feel free to post your wish list of ideas for the upcoming year and discus:
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
Hispid Gnome
Idea number one) Can we please get a replacement for Mod Poerkie?
I nominate Mod Hooli
@Lisaa_RS - Followed by @Runescape
- a 9000+ Member Discord Community | https://discord.gg/fashionscape
Hispid Gnome
Idea number one) Can we please get a replacement for Mod Poerkie?
I nominate Mod Hooli
Quite frankly would be happy with anyone.
our count to 50 before a jmod has broken 8bit
and we weren't even playing very fast.
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
I really hope that we can get some kind of input this year, I know the majority of players couldn't care less about clans but some of us still do... My clan keeps me going
My wish for 2022 is pretty simple:
Grant OSRS Clans access to the CLF
Clan Leaders of both games experience similar situations while managing their clans and it'd be great to see some new faces.
I don't dislike the idea- I just have no idea how they would track an OSRS clan size or age requirements, and tbh, I wish jagex would remove the requirements anyway so that active clan people may join these forums and bring new traffic /ideas/suggestions and comunity.
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
I don't dislike the idea- I just have no idea how they would track an OSRS clan size or age requirements, and tbh, I wish jagex would remove the requirements anyway so that active clan people may join these forums and bring new traffic /ideas/suggestions and comunity.
OSRS has a new clan chat which works similar to RS3 - you can join one and also guest join another one. Jagex has the data on when the clan was created because it shows the join date of every member and also the clan size can be seen in-game. We simply don't have a dedicated OSRS Clans page where you can search for clans with forums and other stuff like RS3 does.
As far a requirements go, I think that if a clan is 1 month old and it has 30+ active members it should be okay. Clans smaller than that might need to get a bit more organized or could potentially be alt accounts reserving clan names.