Whatever for? LOL
because if there are enough of us active we can maybe petition Jagex to try to get a mod to at least monitor and grant access to this forum. If not then it might as well be shut down.
Do add your name or not!?
There are 10 types of people in this world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
Hispid Gnome
Whatever for? LOL
because if there are enough of us active we can maybe petition Jagex to try to get a mod to at least monitor and grant access to this forum. If not then it might as well be shut down.
Do add your name or not!?
I'd rather have a JMod assigned as a clan curator and Jagex taking a serious look at what they can add as new content for clans and set a clear direction for them because quite honestly, clans seem to have lost their purpose and value for the past several years.
It is natural to see an exponential decline in the forum posts and general interest for clans related to RS3 in CLF due to Jagex downgrading the interaction and updates, as well as the emergence of the new medium of communication replacing forums, namely discord and other social media. With the recent cut down in community support staff, I don't see anything positive happening in the near foreseeable future.
This forum was created after much deliberation and efforts spent by old clans trying to create a bridge between clans and Jagex, a place where they can speak freely and exchange ideas for the betterment of clans.
The decision to remove CLF does NOT rest in the hands of a few individuals whether they are active or not because clan activity is relevant to the direction, the team-based content trends in-game and updates that Jagex chooses. I am sure that there would be a lot of clan leaders returning or new ones coming in case Jagex does start on the expansion and support for clans in the game.
At the same time, it would be appropriate for Jagex to move with the times and create a CLF channel on the official discord server and migrate the access procedures and update their policies accordingly.
Darth Malkor
I'd rather have a JMod assigned as a clan curator and Jagex taking a serious look at what they can add as new content for clans and set a clear direction for them because quite honestly, clans seem to have lost their purpose and value for the past several years.
I agree. I think they should also look at large multiplayer content like Clan Wars, as that type of content both gives clans a purpose, functions as a recruitment area and introduces newer players to clans.