Also I don't care what the benefit is, & I think 1st place is overpowered for how people can maneuver it.
There are so many clans.
In my opinion limiting it to top 10 is the wrong approach.
I'd like to see at least the top 100 clans recognized.
It's about really giving as many clans as possible a chance to say to their members "Hey we can do this, let's have a go & get our name up in lights".
Mod Shauny I really hope you consider this & consider the purpose of an event like this.
It shouldn't be about giving very few clans some super benefit.
It should be about giving everyone a go, & saying to their members hey let's do this, we can really contribute as a team.
I don't care if you remove the benefit - make it 7% & no citadel bonus - I think more would be achieved in recognizing as many clans as possible.
I like the concept & really hope you give this some serious thought.
I like the idea, especially giving extra hunter marks as a nice treat to those that participate. This is a great idea to get people to explore new content too.
However, I can see how this might exclude some clans, as the requirements for the activity are fairly high. That being said, in past clan cups although everyone could participate, it is often clans with high players that can access the highest xp rates for the skilling sessions. So I doubt it would drastically change the outcome of the competition.
I really like how you focused on a small piece of content and made it as easy as possible to enter, gain awareness of various aspects of the competition, and even thought of a better way to distribute rewards (there was a bit of chaos in that last time).
Sadly I am personally not a big fan of big game hunter, but I would love to see similar smaller clan competitions like this! I'm sure this same general idea can be applied to other bits of content, if this one works out.
Finally I really miss the PVP cups, but I realize that RS warring is dead
I hope those cups will be back one day...
¸¸¸¸¸¸„‹•°Member of
honestly....this looks good, but people are still learning the area, learning mechanics. I think it would be better to postpone this a while or go to a skill-based clan cup for one more year and let people learn big game hunter more.