I would like to be able to create a boss instance through the clan citadel for clan members only that has the reduced instance cost and death cost benefits of the combat week scaled inversely to the tier of the citadel.
The boss instance cost and individual's death cost would be lowered proportionally based on the tier of the citadel with the maximum benefit being reached at the highest citadel tier.
I think this would help revitalize clan citadels and incentivize players join and interact with their clan. This would also help newer and lower leveled players since they would have a more accessible way to get into bossing.
Great idea, I think in general the Citadel needs more rewards for having it maintained at a high tier.
200m Dunge, Rc, Mage and invention accomplished, + 120 Constitution/Slayer/Range/Summoning/Woodcutting/Mining/Defence/Strength and 110m fishing, got comp/MQC and 200m Fishing/Woodcutting/Mining as well as 120 herb/Farming/Cooking most 120s just Agility, Theiving, Hunter and Prayer left
I totally agree that the citadel needs a full make over, sadly we have been told time and time again due to the spaghetti coding, it will not be possible.
Proud to say Clan
is now 13 Years old and still going strong.
This would force lone wolf players into a clan solely to reduce death costs, any such benefit to reduced death costs should be through future war/death/ichilarian/quest updates. It really isnt a clan if you are there by necessity and dont see each other.
Mass contributor to deaths coffers.
This would force lone wolf players into a clan solely to reduce death costs, any such benefit to reduced death costs should be through future war/death/ichilarian/quest updates. It really isnt a clan if you are there by necessity and dont see each other.
I concur. Clans should be 80% all about just "clicking" with other players, and only 20% in-game advantages - which it just about already has now.