Gotta love when your flatmates go out drinking on a Wednesday evening, get back around 3 and speak so loudly that they wake you up. Now I've got uni in 6 hours and can't sleep...
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of
Rebel Rising
Maxed on the 9th July 2017!
18-Feb-2016 04:37:59
- Last edited on
18-Feb-2016 04:56:58
They've not been too bad up till now. Best part? I heard one of them a week or so ago complaining he had no money. Of course not if you don't even limit your drinking to the weekend...
I'm going to write a stroppy not and place it on the kitchen table in the morning, but as of now I'm staying up because I'd have to get up in 2 hours or so anyway..
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of