A friend of mine got a Seismic Wand drop and completed a feat at Vorago. He said the broadcast displayed correctly for him, but his clan leader saw this:
Is this a known issue that's being looked into? (I'm unaware if a bug report was submitted.)
~ Sicariu
Leader of
Me as clan leader haven't seen any double clan broadcasts. Perhaps u can do a bug report yourself when u see multiple clan broadcasts.
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC
Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!
Yesterday someone in my clan also told he had a double clan broadcasts. Maybe it just can happen cause I sometimes still get double ones too with friends/clans broadcasts.
If it happens occiasionly I don't think you should bother otherwise do a bug report.
Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
Rank in Star Find, Harmed Ore, Beach FC | Ex-Rank in Fast SC
Ceecs Clan: DUTCH ONLY RS3 clan & Winner of the Iron Skilled Cup 2015!