Ideas that have been responded to by Mod Shauny and Moltare
[Clan Leader] - 02/03/2018
Implement the ability to control clan settings from the companion app.
27 upvote
1 unsure
Moltare - 02/03/2018
like one guy made 90% of that app
and then left
Maintenance is a pain, expansion is an unlikely option
xl blue lx - 02/26/2018
Allow clan leaders to set a message of the day which would appear as they logged in. This could be used to post info about upcoming events or give a general welcome message to clan members.
31 upvote
2 downvote
7 unsure
Mod Shauny - 02/26/2018
@xl blue lx I have investigated a clan welcome mes on login
It's possible, but we need to setup stuff on our end that corrosponds to sanctions, etc IF a clan abuses it
I0wnu4life - 02/25/2018
Change the color of [Clan System] and/or make it like the world broadcasts with a noticable icon infront of it, so that clan members can see when they get promoted easier.
17 downvote
6 unsure
Mod Shauny - 02/26/2018
@I0wnu4life Can't change the colour because it's just a standard mes, I wonder if there's cause for making the Clan Broadcast system work with those messages now though, it'd mean colour could be added
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