No, you may not post links except on those sub forums that specifically allow them.
Mod MattHe |
Former Community Manager, now in Events & occasional Lore Monkey
Mod Matthe
No, you may not post links except on those sub forums that specifically allow them.
Hey mod Matthe can you point me to the direction on the forum where it states what links you can post on forums (or sub forums) if I recall it said fan websites are ok (gave name of site links you can post) aswell as youtube? I could be wrong
And I'm just curious also I couldn't find that thread
Edit: Rofl it was under code of conduct it also had a link to a forum which shows all the supported fansites (youtube wasn't in them
Click Here
to get to that forum if anyone is interested
24-Jun-2016 14:40:50
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24-Jun-2016 15:01:58
Messiah ofRS
Also if you use a free ts3 server it can be ddosed by people, renting a hosted server from some1 like lightspeed prevents this. My server has never been hit off by silly kids.
Edit: Not all paid for servers have good ddos protection.
01-Sep-2016 11:09:46
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01-Sep-2016 11:18:04
Mickey Hood
I'm not certain about Teamspeak, but I do know that links aren't allowed on clan forums, nor on the regular Runescape forums (exception being I think the Runelabs forums; I just know it's one of the suggestions forums), either.
If your clan decides to use Teamspeak, by the way, I encourage that you ensure everyone is aware that the host can see the IP of everyone participating, and to avoid clicking on fishy links, as well as to inform them of any other scam methods that are done via Teamspeak.
It's not just the host, anyone connected to the channel can see the clients ip. For anyone unaware of how, you can right click on the persons name and view client connection. Not only this, but you can see the country where the person is. For example, for me it shows the UK flag. Again, view client connection or in the settings somewhere you can have it show by default next to client's names.
MrBrokenBow - Former Leader and Founder of