1.) Should Clf mobilise one single idea and attempt bringing it to page 1 on Runelabs for a future poll?
Absolutely, I'd like to add, whichever idea does win, regardless of the order of topics to hit RuneLabs, we will need as much support on each topic that hits as possible to gain light from the ninja team. Out of A. B. C. choice, even though I voted for B., if A. wins i will still vote for it in support on RuneLabs. Just example
2.) List as many as you think should be polled. What ideas should we poll here in the Clf for this?
"Clan Event Party Interface"
Dungeoneering interface look and concept using option types seen in the noticeboard.
I have one idea I've read elsewhere but darn if i remember where. If I can find it again, I'll reference it here for it's recognition.
Remedies to some current noted issues within the clan community.
1. Gaining more interest overall from the player community to join clans.
2. Gaining interest from existing members to join in on more clan events.
The idea.
1. Offer a Clan Event Party interface (Similar to that in dungeoneering).
2. There would be a drop down offering a list of the popular types of clan events (Similar to those located on the noticeboard).
3. Minimum requirement of a certain amount of members in the Event Party to obtain better benefits (10% xp, 1.5X drops, are a couple examples can be played with of course).
4. For each member past the required number of the party count, the benefit increases slightly (Similar to that of bonfires).
Not sure what size this would be categorized in, but seems like it could be possible to incorporate some sort of program along these lines. The specifics in percentages and requirements would certainly be open for debate and change. The figures given were only for example reasons.
Have fun with it SofaKing