Clan Banking
This is not a concept that is new to MMO's or indeed even RuneScape. Are there issues? Yes. Does that mean we should abandon the idea? I don't think so. If you read my above post, then thank you. I mentioned that death in the Citadel should work as it does throughout all of the RuneScape world. There was a reason for that.
Clan banks are open to exploit, but no more than luring or scamming or any other activity. I suggest that the clan bank resides in the Citadel, on the ground floor along with the Quartermaster. Admins would be able to set the required rank to donate, which would correspond equally to the required rank to remove, from the clan bank.
Items that are able to be placed into the clan bank would be limited, as would the quantity. A cap would also be placed on how much an individual person could donate and withdraw to and from the clan bank.
For example;
Clan Bank Space
- 50 Items
Limit on food per stack
- 2,000
Limit on food deposit per person
200 (per week)
Limit on food withdrawal
28 (per person, per week)
None bankable
Armour and Weapons
None bankable
Limit on potions stack
100 (only tradable potions)
Limit on potions deposit
10 (per week)
Limit on potions withdrawal
2 (per potion per week)
Maximum material of skilling tools
Limit on tool stack
Limit on maximum wealth contained within bank
10 Million GP
The reason why a clan bank would be an important addition is that it would facilitate the reduction of risk for players attending dangerous events. It would allow members to supplement and support each other without the risk of game breaking abuse or scamming.
Ironman and HCIM would be unable to use the bank.