Thanks guys <3
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
Personally i do not play much RS3, but i know many of my clan members do and would support this. It might also give citadels more intensives for capping as well. Like idea.
LODJ RS3 Division
LODJ OSRS Division
Thank you Daf! I miss you! <3
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.