
Clan Noticeboard Suggestions

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Hey all,

I understand there's a lot that needs to be done in order to make loads of people happy. And that there is loads of stuff that is more important then this. No need to point that out in this thread.

That doesn't mean i can suggest something right? Welp, here goes

We are a very active clan, with at least 5 events a week and on top of that at least 4 recurring events every week. It happens we have like 3 events in 1 day.

Needles to say that the current noticeboard does not suffice for us.
Not saying the efforts made to the noticeboard so far aren't an awesome progress, cause they are.

But i'm wondering if there's more useful stuff that can be done with it.

Whether its doubling the current slots or have an extra separate side bar or w/e in which we can note the recurring events and leave them there like forever and a day. Either way, something extra, for active clans, would be awesome.

Not sure, a lot of clans need more slots, as i don't know, how much active clans event wise, are out there.
Regardless i think there's people / clans out there, who might have some more ideas how to improve clan noticeboards.

I'dd love to read more suggestions, and who knows, maybe one day, someone in Jagex headquarters has time to check it out and do something with it :)
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04-Apr-2016 15:41:40

Jun Member 2014


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I think a couple of slots for recurring events would be nice. I imagine them as working by us inputting the normal event information, and then how often the event is (Daily, weekly, monthly, specified # of days). After the time for the event ends, the Noticeboard renews the event, setting the next date for that even as being whatever you inputted for how often the event is.

For example, if I set a PvM Mass for 23:59 UTC on April 5th 2016, and set it as a weekly recurring event, the Noticeboard will do this....

[22:59] [Clan System] PvM Mass in 1 hour at x location!
[23:59] [Clan System] PvM Mass at x location right now!
[23:59] [Clan System] Clan Noticeboard set for PvM Mass on April 12, 2016 @ 23:59 UTC
@Lisaa_RS - Followed by @Runescape
FashionScapers - a 9000+ Member Discord Community |

04-Apr-2016 16:33:12

Jun Member 2014


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This could be just an ignorant statement, but it sounds like it'd only require setting up a simple repeating script that just moves the announcement date forward by however many days you set. @Lisaa_RS - Followed by @Runescape
FashionScapers - a 9000+ Member Discord Community |

05-Apr-2016 01:30:57

Mod Maz

Mod Maz

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Fun Fact: There are no such things as dates and times in runescript. All what you see on the noticeboard is faked by me playing with numbers. So "moving the date forward" becomes quite an endeavour. Mod Maz
Queen of the Squirrels
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05-Apr-2016 07:29:45

Mar Member 2010


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And I assume dates etc can't be added easy on RuneScript? Ceecs - leader of Ceecs Clan
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05-Apr-2016 08:34:32

Jan Member 2010


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Would be great for more slots even 2 more! and also i like the repeating events idea too

It would also be awesome (but maybe impossible) to have a drag and drop style way of arranging the slots so if i have the same 4 events but in different orders over 2 weeks i can just change the date date then drag the slot in slot 3 to slot 1 so its in date order without changing the info, or maybe an automatic sorting in date order

The noticeboards will need updated for the GWD2 events to be added so more features for it would be awesome *flutters eyelashes*

05-Apr-2016 16:36:43



Posts: 16,334 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
, how do you manage how events that have already passed still remain on the noticeboard? Because of that, it's really difficult for us to have our events listed in chronological order without manually having to overwrite and rewrite new events. At least, as of a few weeks ago, clan events aren't dismissed past their event time, but that might be a setting.

I'd like to see expiration dates for noticeboard events, but because events persist, can't you just add 7 to the date for your reoccurring events?

Also, for our clan noticeboard at least, every time I try to put an event for one day it shows up as happening the day before; I think the computer way of counting from 0 wasn't quite aligned with how the date labels start counting from 1. Sent in a bug report a few weeks ago so hopefully it's been fixed?
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05-Apr-2016 17:30:41

Jan Member 2010


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Vera said :
, how do you manage how events that have already passed still remain on the noticeboard? Because of that, it's really difficult for us to have our events listed in chronological order without manually having to overwrite and rewrite new events. At least, as of a few weeks ago, clan events aren't dismissed past their event time, but that might be a setting.

Hi Vivy we have weekly recurring events so

Slot 1: Minigame - Monday
Slot 2: Minigame - Tuesday
Slot 3: Penguins - Wednesday
Slot 4: PVP - Thursday
Slot 5: PVM - Friday
Slot 6: Member voted event - Sunday
Slot 7: Free
Slot 8: Free

If we have double events on Monday it would go in slot 7 if double on Monday and Tuesday double would go into slot 7 and 8 and then if double every day after Mondays event done we will clear only 7 and 8 for these events once Mondays event has been done Wednesday can come onto the board etc etc

Because we always meet at Edge lode for our events on the same world and we have recurring events the only thing we need to change is the date of slot 1 - 6 and slot 7 and 8 are the only ones that need cleared for double events .... if that helps lol

05-Apr-2016 19:35:23 - Last edited on 05-Apr-2016 19:36:05 by Chunksofplum

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