i feel that way sometimes myself. just turned 21 a few weeks ago...having played RS for idk, almost 9 years this year. time flies when you are having fun
[might add another pic soon...someday....in a month or so. just have to remember, lol]
Today is my birthday! Here are two pictures from today, I can't believe I'm 18 (sadly! So old for me!!
), but I've been playing RS for 6 years, so I've played for many of those years!
Only 18?!
All this time I've been assuming you were in your late 20's at
because of how mature you always are.
Thanks Kent!
I've gotten that a lot, when I first got into the CLF's I was 15 I believe. RS (IMO) has been a major aspect of how mature I am, running clans in the past and learning to manage time / groups.
Amen to this sister! Happy belated Birthday David ^.^ x
Proud Leader of Aberrant ~ 130/2300+ PvM
"Higher Standards are the Foundation for Greater Achievements"
snake I'm 100% sure you clicked the wrong thread
And when someone is trying to be supportive, you guys disparage them like that
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Well, guess i can post some as, but only found 1 recent pic:
and this was at a lan party with mates.. Yes that was me, noo not the one who threw the bucket.. But to be fair, i waked him at 6 am with a vuvuzela ( demonyzer is the name i use there )
Benja 12345
I see security danger here... You never know who might be the ones watching
Hence why I'm never putting a pic of me on here
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