It will transfer to one person only, who must be online at the time.
If you want it to go to a particular person, you can temporarily demote all those online who have the rank of Deputy, so only one person is Deputy Owner, when the owner leaves or demotes him/herself.
Spirits of Arianwyn
| @Rae_Aus
The ownership will go to the one who has been longest in the deputy rank. They do not need to be online or even active for the ownership to pass to them.
The best thing to do to ensure it goes to the right person, is to do as Rae says, and demote all those except the one taking over as owner. The new owner can then promote them back to deputy ( assuming that they want that
One leader to rule them all, one leader to find them, One leader to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
That was epicly said!
If you have any concerns about an inacive clan deputy getting it you can either demote in advance or post on the inactive clan leader sticky in clan discussion forums.
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
when owner leaves clan, then it goes to who ever the deputy rank has been in the clan the longest then they become owner, so if you want to make sure someone is the owner i suggest de ranking them to coordinator so that means de ranking all deputy ranks and overseer ranks to coordinator and leave the one deputy you want to become owner. then afterwards the new owner can promote them back to the key ranks.
Every Day Is A New Beginning , Take A Deep Breath , Smile , And Start Again
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21-Dec-2016 20:20:48
- Last edited on
21-Dec-2016 20:26:00
Ledr Knuckls
Just clarifying something stated above - the 'new' leader does not have to be online at the time of the change. As Ceo McCoy states it goes to the most senior deputy - even if they have not logged in for a long while
I thought that the first clan I was ever in had Co-Owners, so I must be remembering wrong.
I was asking because our clan has been around a while now (not nearly as long as some of you) & we have so many long term members that I really feel like it's their clan too, & was looking for a way to put those thoughts into action.
Sounds like it can't be done & I'm not asking for a change, for some reason I just thought Co-Owner was a thing.