I read alot of what you guys are saying and my opinion is like so many
others but stating what we want, isnt helping figuring out how to get it.
I dont have the answers either im just saying, someone needs to figure out
how we as the CLF participants can change things ourselves.
And I Feel sorry for Shauny too. he seems to get short end of the stick.
Dont hate the messenger for the message .. i think of that everytime someone
bitches about shauny.
I wish everyone could figure it out without conflict.
I guess this is a forum of leaders and each wants to lead.
Please dont take what ive said wrong. I know some of you in here and
have talked to you in game. I love this game and anything helping our
clans would be fantastic. Making these threads be about clans and figuring
out how to make that happen instead of it being about who is best at
whatever and who gets hated on; should be our aspiration.
The richest person is not who has the most. It is who Needs the least.
19-Jan-2019 03:13:50