Create an option for the vexillum to be held up in both hands, to help advertise the clan better without having to plant the vexillum:
So one would be walking around a bit like this...
18-Mar-2014 09:05:17
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This would be signficant graphics and animation work and not something we are likely to undertake currently.
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Q: Would a weekly/monthly clan highscores be possible?
Mod Rascasse: Not without a lot of work and I don’t think it’s justifiable at the moment.
Owner of
Would a weekly/monthly clan highscores be possible?
21-Mar-2014 10:14:18
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I'm here to elaborate!
I'm part of the Web Dev team, and we're responsible for the hiscores as well as all other parts of the website. Unfortunately we are a very small team and we have to focus our efforts on the parts of the website that will have the biggest impact on everyone.
At the moment, the data shows that clan hiscores are not used as often as the other hiscore systems. The work required to add weekly and monthly tables to clan hiscores would take our team several months. At the moment, we're working on other projects that will have a bigger impact on the website as a whole so we just don't have the time available to add weekly / monthly clan hiscores.
That's not to say that we will never make improvements to clan hiscores, just that right now we are working on things that will improve the website for more people, not just those in a clan.