I say a tremendous Thank you to Mod SnakeLady, she is the one who pointed me towards the clf which i never knew about and she has helped me on questions on citadel and other questions on random stuff. so
In the end i say Tremendous Thank you Mod SnakeLady.
Every Day Is A New Beginning , Take A Deep Breath , Smile , And Start Again
Ledr Knuckls
She comes into my clan every night or day etc but just wanted to say what i said and post it for everyone else thats in clf to see.
Living Souls Of Rs
What? Won't you stay? I hope you at least lurk, maybe even post on the counting thread to make your presence known
And glad to have you here, and as such, glad that SnakeLady (whom I'm guessing is a player moderator, and not a jmod) told you about the CLF
Hey vivvy, i just got added into the clf today as of june 17th etc, and yes snakelady is a player moderator that guests in my clan. and so like i said just arrived to clf so somewhat new to this.
Every Day Is A New Beginning , Take A Deep Breath , Smile , And Start Again
Thank you very much for that special shout out to me. I'm glad you are finally here. It's a great forum, so many great people and I'm sure many more since last time I've been here have been added (such as yourself, hehehe)
I do need to stop by more. I been so crazy busy with clan stuff and other thing's but doesn't mean I can't make time. I sure will.
I have always found anytime I needed a question answered for clan stuff or citadel stuff and a many other thing's this is the place
. Welcome to CLF, McCoy. I'm sure you will find this to be a great forum.
PS: for anyone that doesn't know me....Yes, I am a player Mod.