Hello Everyone,
For years, I have pretty much had the same tick time. I noticed this week, my tick time, has jumped a little over 24hrs. 26hrs/18mins.
This isn't the first time it's happened with such a large jump. Infact, this is I believe the 3rd time in about 2months.
So, it used to be (maybe still is) that the count down when start after visitor 1 entered after tick or a 30min default, which ever come first. Has this rule been changed? Does the click start to tick after visit #1 no matter how much time has passed? It's a little weird that my time was set for weds, 11:20 EST ( game time would be 4:20( Thurs) and now its more than 26hours ahead. All I can think of is its because visit #1 didn't go in till a full day later which caused the tick to start down. Am I right?
Thanks for all your help guys!
27-Jun-2018 07:38:20