Calm Enigma
You could manipulate them all into world domination more effectively :S
- salutes General Maz -
i actually did laugh irl. I'm not joining currently as i already hold communications through skype/facebook with most people i've met on rs. Maybe i'll join later
Ledr Knuckls
is this discord just for clan leaders or 2 representatives to use ? or for everyone in my clan to use ?
and what will the discord be used for like what were your plans if you have any
It was initially clan leaders but then I opened it up to two representatives.
Creator of the
Clan Leader Discord
& Clan Discord
Lead Developer of The Clan Network
Clan Leader of
Bound Links
Mod Maz
I wonder what they'd do if I joined....
You are more than welcome to join, feel free to invite any Jagex staff, I can give you the J-Mod Role on there, though we are doing a 2 person max for each role set up.
Creator of the
Clan Leader Discord
& Clan Discord
Lead Developer of The Clan Network
Clan Leader of
Bound Links
24-Aug-2016 11:37:13
- Last edited on
24-Aug-2016 12:35:34
Leader Rob