
Banning people

Quick find code: 86-87-105-66106143

Only Lilly
May Member 2007

Only Lilly

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Does anyone kick automatically for certain things?

Do you have a procedure? if so how do you record it?

We want consistency but if someone has been in the clan a few days do we start the warning system?

Please can you share what your clan does?
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17-Jun-2019 20:54:38

Fire Hawk154

Fire Hawk154

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We used to have a system with warnings, strikes, kicks and bans, but it became more convenient to judge on a case by case basis. We don't have to kick/ban people that often as our members generally behave very well.

We do have the automatic procedure that we remove scammers from the clan and report them to runewatch if there's enough evidence for a case. Other obvious offenses (hacking, botting, etc) result in removal as well, but so far that hasn't happened.

Imo don't waste too much time on babysitting people nor creating a system just for them, as they're not worth it.
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18-Jun-2019 10:45:03

Feb Member 2011


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Fire Hawk154 said :
Imo don't waste too much time on babysitting people nor creating a system just for them, as they're not worth it.

Very well put.

My clan hasn't had many incidents recently. The last time we kicked a clan member, aside from activity checks, was 14 January 2017. And, the last (former) clan member put on our Ban List was added 6 May 2018 after leaving the clan on their own.

However, the few times issues have come up recently, the Mute function has been the better solution for dealing with issues rather than needing to jump straight to a kick. Giving clan members time to cool off while Muted has really helped us.

For the most part, we always judge on a case-by-case basis for Mutes, Kicks, and Bans. You can never prepare an outline on how to deal with every situation possible, and there's always the chance that someone will push their limits. Just make sure appropriate warnings are given to make sure they understand the severity of the situation.

My clan's rule list has consequences attached to each rule detailing what may follow if a specific rule is broken. However, a majority of them have "case-by-case" or "situation pending" noted as well because you can never be 100% certain of how a clan member will go about breaking that rule. For example, scamming your team by refusing to split common drops totaling a few million GP is different than refusing to split a Blightbound Crossbow drop.
(Both would result in kick in my clan, but this is just to show variance.)

This is something that has helped us: I'd recommend keeping records of how specific incidents have been dealt with in the past, so there's a precedent in place for when someone breaks rules in the future. Depending on how the past incidents were handled, you can make better judgements going forward to make sure your rules are applied fairly.
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18-Jun-2019 15:36:53

Mr Rey Ray
May Member 2016

Mr Rey Ray

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We don't hold records as such because we use the in game clan ban list, which only have 37 users on there. (which is very Rare that we have to use it)

Normally we try not to issue bans on people, but if the player doesn't listen to warnings and continues to ignoring our clan rules/Rs rules, we will remove them completely, and it depends how severe their offence was, if it was severe they will be added to the banlist.

Our clan is a drama free environment though so we don't really use the "mute" system, instead if people pipe up, we just give them warnings , and if they fail to take the warning on board, we'll remove them and continue with our day.

We haven't had any clan issues lately :)
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18-Jun-2019 15:56:17

Nov Member 2015


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We are very lenient on moderation and most topics are okay, but if we see that someone is going out of their ways to upset others we take appropriate action. Fortunately, we haven't had any major issues and we only have a few on our ban list, all for harassing members of the clan.

We log these bans on our owner spreadsheet.

A tip from me is that you should figure out what kind of clan you want. What is okay, and what isn't. You probably have a set of rules, but do you enforce them? Remember, those joining and staying in your clan does that because they like the climate that the leaders has created and it's important to maintain that as you grow.


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22-Jun-2019 10:29:31

Dec Member 2008


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My clan has been around for 3 and a half years. We have 21 people total on our ban list. Macro / account sharing / rwt is generally what we have banned everyone in the cc for except for 1. The one was a clanmate who insisted I ban my husband from the clan because he issued a warning for them to calm down when they were swearing at everyone for their own mistake in game that had nothing to do with anyone. 23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.

22-Jun-2019 22:30:32



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The only thing I remember insta banning someone for was racism.
They were ranting a bit & were like "**** the <insert nationality>".
I said at the time 'thanks for providing an example of how to get insta banned!'
There was simply no coming back from that, there was no justification to allow them to remain, regardless if any clanmates were of that nationality or not.

The above is an exception and perhaps doesn't address the purpose of this thread.
I'm not into strikes or black marks or warnings - essentially your clan has values, usually based on the leadership.
If someone demonstrates they aren't concerned with how anyone else feels it's just a matter of having a chat & seeing if they & the clan are a match for each other.
Plenty of clans out there of all different types, if we aren't a match it doesn't have to be some big negative parting drama, it's just about helping ppl find where they want to be.


22-Jun-2019 23:23:07

Jul Member 2013


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I noticed most the suggestions are for people that don't follow the clan's rules, but I'll admit there are those that follow all the rules and still cause problems for the clan. Instead of making a bunch of rules to restrict the ones without bad intentions and bog the whole clan down with more and more rules, my clan has leadership that understands the culture of the clan. Culture meaning what environment we all aim for as a clan and everything that goes with it whether it be goals, player safety, moral code, support, etc.

My clan is very much a family and those that don't view it as that but instead try to harm our clan family, they end up on the ban list. It could have started because they broke rules, but typically a kick is enough to take care of that. Banning usually occurs once they start becoming harmful and dangerous to the clan or individual players. The methods you use to determine how to handle that really needs to support your leadership style and the other leadership you have representing your clan. Some leaders take all that upon themselves, others have counsels for thorough discussion, others just trust the leaders they put in place to follow the set standard of the clan or clan leader, etc. There are as many methods as their are clans.

As far as recording goes, we used to keep a list but over time the name changes were screwing it up so instead we have an account that adds the people to their friends list and writes a note of what their original name was, then any info or discussion is held in another platform that all the leadership have access to and we can review later if needed.
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04-Jul-2019 20:49:05

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