eek sept 28th to Oct 3rd
1 points
1. Brimhaven.......... bush - last in Cap'n Arnav's house
2. MTA..................... bush - in MTA garden North of Duel Arena
3. Dorgesh Kaan.... barrel - in NE room (south gate to mine)
4. Draynor............... crate - in Draynor Manor NW room
5. KQ Lair................. cactus - camel pen Pollivenac
2 points
1. Mort Myre.......... bush - at Barrows fields
2. Piscatoris........... crate - last in Needle skip quest house west of Airuts
3. Elf Limestone.... rock - trapped behind leaf trap at Priff entrance
4. Elf Camp............ toadstool - trapped in hunter area south of camp
5. Desert Tardis..... cactus - in house south of Sumonaa in Pollnivenach
6. Neitiznot............ rock - trapped in town
Bear Rimmington
Circus at cooking guild
03-Sep-2019 20:02:55
- Last edited on
04-Sep-2019 02:03:08
Wise John