Week May 1st to 7th
1 point
1. Musa Point.......... crate - roaming
2. WWM................... rock - at Burthorpe Games Castle (North of Lode)
3. Gnome Strong... bush - roaming
4. East Karamja....... bush - use Fairy Ring DKP (tends to roam north)
5. Al Kharid.............. cactus - at MTA Garden north of Duel Arena
2 points
1. Canifis................... bush - in Fenkenstrain's Castle (NW room)
2. Port Phasmatys... barrel - in cook house west of bank
3. Scorpion Pit......... rock - (Wildy) at Deserted Keep (Ardy/Edgy lever tele)
4. Lava Maze............ rock - (Wildy) in Maze on all worlds
5. Keldagrim............. rock - last in Blasting Furnace
6. Sophanem............ cactus - in Sophy's NE temple (need Back To Freezer quest)
Bear in Well at Musa Point
Circus at Rimmington
03-May-2019 22:22:40
- Last edited on
03-May-2019 22:24:05