Thread Update V810 - 20/1/2016:
Spotlight Rotation Information:
Soul Wars
This spotlight resets in:
2 days.
Spotlight order:
- Pest Control
- Soul Wars
- Fist of Guthix
- Barbarian Assault
- Conquest
- Fishing Trawler
- Great Orb Project
- Flash Powder Factory
- Castle Wars
- Stealing Creation
- Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza
- Heist
- Mobilising Armies
- Barbarian Assault
- Conquest
- Fist of Guthix
- Castle Wars
- Pest Control
- Soul Wars
- Fishing Trawler
- Great Orb Project
- Flash Powder Factory
- Stealing Creation
- Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza
- Heist
- Trouble Brewing
- Castle Wars
Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.