Current Locations After System Update:
1. Eagles Peak - Bush - Needle's Skip House
2. Feldip - Rock - Yanille South Wall
3. Wizard Tower - Bush - last in Draynor Manor, northwest rooms
4. Ice Mountain - Rock - Edgeville Yews
5. Observatory - Crate - last in Ardougne Castle, south wing
6. Miscellania - Bush - Etcetera Castle
7. Neitiznot - Rock - cannot leave Neitz town island
8. Desert - Cactus A - Polli, house south of Sumona
9. Ape Atoll - Barrel - roams south island, outside monkey gate
10. Ape Atoll - Bush - last roaming centre of town
11. Ghost Penguin - teleports frequently, check spy device for hints
12. Desert - Cactus B - Nardah Herb shop
Polar bear - Ardougne well, at player-owned farm
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07-Mar-2022 14:09:17
- Last edited on
07-Mar-2022 15:31:22