Due to the games being much more hectic than usual, we will need to be stricter on rule breakers than usual.
Anyone found to be deliberately pking will be instantly banned across all our games for the duration of the weekend
. Pking causes a major interruption so we have been forced to adopt this zero-tolerance policy to help ensure that games can keep running as orderly as possible.
To facilitate this, we will also be changing the rules for hosting for the weekend.
Instead of using personal fcs, all games must be hosted out of our official start fcs, which will have fully up to date ban lists.
This way, no pkers will be able to sneak back into games after a host change if the new host didn't know to ignore them.
Any volunteer hosts will be given a temporary rank in these chats to be able to start games.
Please note that despite having a star in the start chats, they are not ranked representatives of Fast Sc, but merely players such as yourself who have offered to help us out by hosting games. We would ask all hosts to give us a 1-2 game warning before you need to leave, to give us time to find a replacement and make sure they get added to the start fc.
We hope everyone will be patient and listen to our ranks when games are being split (or when games are put back together when they are getting smaller) to make sure everything transitions smoothly and games can continue running with as little downtime as possible.
If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with any of our generals or owners.
Ang3l F1sh
We hope to see you all in games that weekend!