So what does "Warbands" actually stand for?
Warbands is an unsafe minigame that occurs in the Wilderness every seven hours.
Three different and possible locations for the camps you can loot are: Dark Warriors' Fortress (DWF, lv10 wilderness, just run north from the Edgeville lodestone); East Lava Maze (ELM, lv41 wilderness, use canoe by Quercus in Edgeville and run north/teleport to a wilderness herb patch with Wilderness Sword 1-4/teleport to Corporeal Beast cave with Games' Necklace and run north-west); Red Dragon Isle (RDI, lv31 wilderness, use canoe by Quercus in Edgeville and run east/teleport to Corporeal Beast cave with Games' Necklace and run east). Of course, if you have access to Wilderness Sword 4, you can use it for one free daily teleport to active Warbands camp!
Warbands offer experience in Herblore, Farming, Construction, Mining and Smithing respectively. With each camp you can get only three active tents out of those five, and you can loot three camps per day, for a maximum of 75 supplies, which give 363k experience at level 99. If you die whilst holding supplies, those WILL count towards your daily limit. Also, if you help with clearing the camp you can get some prayer, summoning and/or slayer experience. Looting from a Warbands' camp will skull you, and while looting you can receive a Wand of Treachery, which will instantly lower your prayer points to zero and announce it to everyone around you. Luckily, Wand isn't worth all that much so on most occasions you will be safe with it. Carrying Warbands' supplies will also tele-block you, put you in a multi-way combat, and make you attackable by anyone regardless of their combat level. You don't want to log out or hop worlds with the supplies though, because they will automatically be deleted, unless you do it outside of the wilderness.
09-Mar-2019 14:39:11
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09-Mar-2019 15:03:34